Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Well would ya Wookie here, it's a face painting inspiration!

I can't even explain to you how much I love puns. I love dad jokes, cheese, double entendres, and puns above all else. That's all you need to know :) 

Anyway, this isn't so much a "tutorial" as an inspiration. A teenager wanted a Wookie (after his dad tried to force him to get his face painted, then I assured dad it would still be cool if I painted on his arm like a tattoo and the teen agreed to that because I'm obviously the expert on cool). 

Chewy was literally on his shirt, but I was still drawing a blank on how to even start that. I ended up painting a base layer of brown, then using a fan brush to apply yellow highlights in the fur. The rest is pretty self explanatory. 

I think it's hilarious, and I hope it inspires you for any Star Wars face painting you have to do!

Now that Star Wars has more movies coming out (which seems like it could easily ruin the movies for me, but we will see) there may be even more opportunities for Star Wars themed face painting. 

Have you ever come up with a design on a whim? 

Thanks for stopping by :)


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