Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Scarecrow Craft

Hi all! Between my first craft show, face painting gigs, and my weekday well as starting up my Etsy page that's listed right here ---> Mirmysaurus Etsy , I've been a pretty busy bee this September! I'm also going to stay pretty busy throughout October but I thought I'd show a picture of a craft I did last night that may inspire you to make one with your kids or to stay in your slim-nonexistent Fall and Halloween decor budget!

Simply take an empty 2-liter bottle, remove the label and the top (I cut the top off, then cut 4 2-inch slits throughout the top to make 4 flaps that I folded over each other to give a flatter surface. This isn't necessary for everyone but since he is sitting on our store counter in plain view I thought it would hide the bottle better. 

My scarecrow is also made to collect donations (Thus the message on the sign, and the heart cut out in his belly!) but if yours is for decorating only, put his shirt right over the front of his belly. Feel free to add the sign with a cute fall message though, that's one of my favorite parts!

Get out your paper, markers, and a little glue and your little fella (or lady) will be ready for decorating wherever you've placed them.

If you have questions, let me know! Thanks for stopping by. 

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